I must admit, I was not sure how my last instagram post (FASHION IS OVER) would go over.
I woke up today feeling a strong conviction that it's a good thing to discuss now. More than ever, we need to speak and hear statements that question our values. Controversial statements. Being O P E N is how we shed programmed layers to find our true center. Uncomfortable is sometimes good and often necessary.
We can still joyfully & excitedly talk about what we wear. But trends are out and we need to adopt language that acknowledges this. This industry deserves to be called something that reflects the specialness and power in what we wear. I'm personally fond of 'adornment'. Or what was wrong with clothing?! It became cheapened as clothing was cheapened by fast fashion. But historically, to clothe ourselves has been a sacred act connected to the fibers of the earth. Or at the least, a daily ritual everyone performed with fibers of the earth. We should just call it 'Clothing'.
This resurgence I've seen of individuals demanding fast fashion pay their bills and correspondingly of the slow fashion community rallying behind their favorite slow fashion brands is a reclamation of an older values system that is a part of bringing our world, and ourselves, into harmony.
It's time to drop fashion trends in favor of sustainable individualism. Like new, fun ways to wear what you already own. Natural dyes. Mending. Plant fibers that are unknown with soil regenerating capabilities. These are the replacement of trends.
I'm just finding these thoughts inside of myself. Do they brings up thoughts for you? Comment below. I'd love to hear! Movements start with conversations.